You’ve lost control of your sexual behavior and you want to get your life back

The anxiety, the hiding, it’s all been too much. Whether you’ve been caught or not, you know you feel out of control with your sexual behavior and it’s hurting your relationships, and you. Sex now doesn’t leave you feeling happy and satisfied in fact it feels like a big black hole that can never be filled. You look in the mirror and feel like a bad person.  You can’t separate your behavior from yourself and sit in the shame and guilt of getting in trouble at work or with loved ones. You wonder if you can really give up your problematic sexual behavior because part of it does feel exciting and provides relief and up till this point you haven’t been able to talk yourself down from jumping in just one more time…

How does this show up for you? Feeling out of control sexually can look differently for everyone. Here are some examples:

  •  Watching porn at work and not being able to control it

  • Having indiscriminate sex with multiple people that you have no interest in relationally.

  • Using sex workers as a way to get sexual pleasure without the strings that relationships create

  • Your sexual behavior gets mixed in with drugs and/or alcohol 

  • Using sex to calm yourself or get rid of negative feelings.  


More than just a sex addiction

I help men who struggle with out of control sexual behavior learn how their brain works when they feel out of control or when they do things they feel shame about.  They learn how to develop the parts of the brain that help them gain control of their life and their actions and make decisions that are right for them. Together we will identify what sexual health means for YOU (not me or even your partner) by discussing sexual health principles and creating a sexual health plan. We will also look at what you are really needing in terms of support and clarity. Many of my clients come to me confused, unable to find the words for what is going on inside them. My hope is to help you understand yourself and to help you make relationship agreements that you truly want or desire.


Ditch the shame for healing

You will never hear me shaming you, making you feel like a bad person, telling you what to do, or even calling you a sex addict because out-of-control sexual behavior is human behavior and just another way human beings manage problems.

By working with me you will learn how to:

  • Identify which parts of your sexual behavior line up with your values AND feels erotically interesting

  • Identify your wants/needs within the relationship agreements you have made, open up honest conversations with your partner should you have one, regarding your relationship

  • Learn to better negotiate your erotic interests with your partner


If you are ready to take better care of yourself so that you don’t need to lean into sex to disconnect from your challenges in life contact me here to book your first appointment in my telehealth office. I’m treating residents of Maryland and Pennsylvania.